We understand you may have to miss a class and need to catch up. Or perhaps you wish you could sit through a session again for better understanding. Now you can! Because of the discussions that take place, we decided it would not be appropriate to record our actual class sessions, so we asked a few of our facilitators to record their presentations and make the recordings available to you!
Please remember that these recordings are a poor substitute for actually attending the class! We couldn't include the break-out sessions, the discussion, Q&A, or the additional information provided by our chat monitors in the recording. Plus, we are constantly updating our presentations and these recordings were produced in 2022. The job search process changes rapidly! You will get much more out of actually attending the class than by just watching the recording.
The recordings below are available to you during the month that you attend the class. Your Crash Course host can provide you with the password. The Recordings password should not be shared except with the members of your class. The password will be changed periodically. If you were a recent Crash Course attendee, you are welcome to come back and watch these recordings. Just email [email protected] if you need assistance.
Click on the session below and a new Vimeo window will open, and you will be asked for the password:
Please remember that these recordings are a poor substitute for actually attending the class! We couldn't include the break-out sessions, the discussion, Q&A, or the additional information provided by our chat monitors in the recording. Plus, we are constantly updating our presentations and these recordings were produced in 2022. The job search process changes rapidly! You will get much more out of actually attending the class than by just watching the recording.
The recordings below are available to you during the month that you attend the class. Your Crash Course host can provide you with the password. The Recordings password should not be shared except with the members of your class. The password will be changed periodically. If you were a recent Crash Course attendee, you are welcome to come back and watch these recordings. Just email [email protected] if you need assistance.
Click on the session below and a new Vimeo window will open, and you will be asked for the password:
Orientation/Class Overview (Sorry, this recording is not yet available)
Session 1 - Step 1 and 2 (Upward and Attitude) by Mark Myette
Session 2 - Step 3 (Aptitude) by Dan Whitenack, PhD
Session 3 - Step 4 (Altitude/Resumes) by Sandra Briggs
Session 4 - Step 5 (Searching/Networking) by Rich von Biberstein
Session 5 - Step 6 (Sorting/Interviewing) by Jim Yates
Session 6 - Step 7 (Selecting/Negotiating Offers) by Anne Riggsby
Session 6 - Extra (LinkedIn Training Module) by Anne Riggsby
Session 1 - Step 1 and 2 (Upward and Attitude) by Mark Myette
Session 2 - Step 3 (Aptitude) by Dan Whitenack, PhD
Session 3 - Step 4 (Altitude/Resumes) by Sandra Briggs
Session 4 - Step 5 (Searching/Networking) by Rich von Biberstein
Session 5 - Step 6 (Sorting/Interviewing) by Jim Yates
Session 6 - Step 7 (Selecting/Negotiating Offers) by Anne Riggsby
Session 6 - Extra (LinkedIn Training Module) by Anne Riggsby
These recordings are private and are available only to registered participants in the Atlanta Crossroads Crash Course. Recordings may not be downloaded for use other than as described above
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